The Trope of the Underdog in Fantasy Literature

Explore the captivating world of underdogs in fantasy literature, where unlikely heroes from Frodo Baggins to Vin take center stage. Discover how these relatable characters, with their struggles and triumphs, add depth and resonance to fantasy tales, making them more engaging and inspiring for readers.

In the grand arena of fantasy literature, where heroes are often as muscular and shiny as a knight’s armour, the underdog stands out like a sore thumb – albeit a determined, plucky sore thumb.

The trope of the underdog is as prevalent in fantasy as misplaced magic wands, offering a narrative arc as satisfying as finding a secret room in a haunted castle.

A Hero Unlikely to Win, But Tries Anyway

The underdog is typically as well-equipped for their journey as a knight heading into battle armed with a teaspoon.

They’re the farm boy who’s more familiar with pigs than dragons, the scrawny apprentice who can barely lift a sword, or the unassuming hobbit who’s never ventured beyond their front garden.

These characters embark on quests that seem about as well-advised as a stroll through a dragon’s den wearing armour made of gold.

Why We Root for the Underdog

There’s something inherently appealing about cheering on someone who’s about as likely to succeed as a snowball in a furnace.

Perhaps it’s their tenacity in the face of insurmountable odds, or maybe it’s just human nature to support the little guy.

After all, who hasn’t felt like an underdog at some point, battling the metaphorical dragons of our everyday lives?

Notable Underdogs in Fantasy

Frodo Baggins in ‘The Lord of the Rings‘: A hobbit who’d much rather be at home but ends up carrying the most dangerous item in the world.

Neville Longbottom in ‘Harry Potter‘: The boy who was almost the Chosen One, but turned out to be a hero in his own right, proving that bravery comes in different forms.

Vin in ‘Mistborn‘: A street urchin who discovers she has powers that could change the world, despite her initial disbelief in her own abilities.

The Underdog’s Journey: A Reflection of Real Life

The underdog’s journey often mirrors our own struggles.

They don’t just face external foes; they battle self-doubt, fear, and the disbelief of those around them.

Their victories are as much about overcoming their inner demons as they are about defeating the dark lord or evil empire.

The Impact on Fantasy Literature

The underdog trope has nudged fantasy literature away from the omnipotent, flawless hero towards more relatable, flawed characters.

It’s introduced a level of humanity and vulnerability to fantasy that allows readers to see a bit of themselves in the characters.

It reminds us that sometimes, the greatest power lies not in strength or magic, but in resilience and the courage to keep going, even when the odds are about as favourable as a picnic in a troll’s cave.

The Lasting Appeal of the Underdog

In the world of fantasy literature, the underdog continues to reign supreme, a testament to the enduring appeal of seeing the least likely amongst us rise to the challenge.

They remind us that heroism comes in all shapes and sizes, often emerging from the most unlikely of places.

In celebrating the underdog, fantasy literature doesn’t just tell us a story; it gives us hope – hope that even the smallest among us can change the world, armed with nothing but courage and a teaspoon.

Who is the True Hero of The Lord of the Rings?

Discover why Samwise Gamgee is the true hero of “The Lord of the Rings” in our insightful blog post. Explore his untold heroism!

In the sprawling epic of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, amidst the grandeur of wizards, elves, and kings, lies an unassuming character who is arguably the true hero of the tale.

Samwise Gamgee, often overshadowed by the formidable Frodo Baggins, emerges as the backbone of the quest to destroy the One Ring.

But why is this hobbit, with his love for gardening and simple life, the real hero of the story?

Let’s delve into the heart of Middle-earth to uncover the heroism of Samwise the Brave.

The Loyalty of Sam

Sam’s unwavering loyalty to Frodo is the stuff of legend.

While Frodo carries the burden of the Ring, Sam carries Frodo – quite literally at times.

This hobbit, who could have enjoyed a peaceful life in the Shire, chooses to face the unknown dangers of Middle-earth.

His loyalty isn’t just admirable; it’s the glue that holds the quest together.

Remember that time when Sam refused to leave Frodo’s side, even when Frodo, under the Ring’s influence, tried to send him away?

That’s commitment on a level that even the most devoted Tinder swipe can’t match.

Courage in the Face of Darkness

Courage isn’t always about wielding a sword (though Sam does that too, and quite well!).

Sometimes, it’s about standing firm when all hope seems lost. Sam shows courage not just in battles but in keeping hope alive.

His ability to find light in the darkest of times – be it through songs in the heart of Mordor or cooking a nice rabbit stew – is a testament to his brave spirit.

He might not have the classic hero’s cape, but he certainly has the heart of one.

The Emotional Strength of Sam

Emotional strength is often overlooked in tales of heroism, but not in Sam’s case.

While Frodo struggles with the corrupting power of the Ring, it’s Sam who provides the emotional anchor.

He’s the friend who listens, encourages, and keeps Frodo grounded – a role that’s as heroic as swinging a sword at orcs.

Sam’s emotional fortitude is the unsung melody in the symphony of The Lord of the Rings’ narrative.

Samwise Gamgee – The Hero We Need

In a tale where power and prestige are often the focal points, Samwise Gamgee stands as a beacon of true heroism.

His loyalty, courage, and emotional strength are the real driving forces behind the success of the quest to destroy the One Ring.

While Frodo was the Ring-bearer, it was Sam who bore the weight of the world with a smile and unwavering spirit.

So, let’s raise a glass (or a pint in true Hobbit style) to Sam, the real hero of Middle-earth, who shows us that sometimes the greatest heroes come in the smallest packages.

The Unbreakable Bonds: A Look at Bromances in Fantasy Literature

Embark on a journey through fantasy literature’s memorable bromances, from Gentleman Bastards to the unforgettable duo in Stormlight Archive.

As avid readers of fantasy literature will attest, there’s little in this genre that captures our hearts and imaginations quite like a good bromance.

These intimate friendships, often between two (occasionally more) men, present an opportunity for deep character development, exhilarating adventures, and emotional resonance that many of us can relate to.

But fear not, this isn’t a dissertation on the sociological aspects of male bonding in fiction.

Think of it as a merry skip through the flowering fields of fantasy bromances, occasionally stopping to point and exclaim, “Look at those guys, aren’t they just great together!”

Locke and Jean

First up, let’s pop in to visit the Gentleman Bastards.

If ever there was a tale that warmed the cockles of your heart with its hearty bromance, it’s Scott Lynch’s series.

Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen have the kind of bond that makes you want to cry into your ale.

They’re thieves, con-artists, and brothers in all but blood.

They banter, they bicker, and they save each other’s backsides with alarming regularity.

That’s the thing about Locke and Jean—it’s not just about fighting the baddies together, it’s about saving each other from their own worst habits.

Hadrian and Royce

In a similar vein, we have the unforgettable duo of Hadrian and Royce from Michael J. Sullivan’s Riyria Revelations.

What starts as a business partnership between a kind-hearted warrior and a cynical thief eventually blossoms into an unshakable friendship that’s full of witty banter and nail-biting escapades.

It’s quite like if you took a shilling for every time they save each other, you’d be as rich as the king in no time.

The Greatcoats

Now let’s take a detour through Sebastien de Castell‘s ‘Greatcoats’ series.

The Greatcoats themselves—Falcio, Kest, and Brasti—have a friendship that can only be described as…well, coat of arms deep.

They squabble like schoolboys one moment and are ready to take a sword for each other the next.

Not to mention their synchronised cloak-swirling—that’s some real friend goals there.

Clay and Gabriel

But hold your horses…or should I say wyverns?

Nicholas Eames’ ‘Kings of the Wyld’ series boasts Clay Cooper and Gabriel.

These two old warriors come out of retirement for one last hurrah, enduring all manner of beasts and bedlam.

Their banter will have you chuckling like a goblin on giggleweed, but at the same time, their loyalty will make you sob like a heartbroken dragon.

An emotional rollercoaster, isn’t it?

Jon and Samwell

Next stop is at the frosty wall of Westeros.

If you listen closely, you might just hear the sound of Jon Snow and Samwell Tarley’s friendship, a heartwarming chord that rings true even amidst the incessant chill.

In George R.R. Martin’s ‘A Song of Ice and Fire,’ Jon and Sam start as green boys at the Night’s Watch but soon develop an enduring friendship that weathers both White Walkers and the politics of the realm.

Jon, the brooding bastard, and Sam, the self-deprecating scholar, are as different as ice and fire, but they stick together like two wights in a snowstorm.

Kaladin and Adolin

Our next bromance takes us to the ‘Stormlight Archive’ by Brandon Sanderson, where we meet the mighty Kaladin and the charismatic Adolin Kholin.

Although their friendship starts on rocky grounds (and who can blame them—class tensions, haunted pasts, and all that), they grow to rely on each other.

Adolin might be the charming prince, and Kaladin a brooding ex-slave, but their friendship shines brighter than a Shardblade in battle.

Plus, nothing says ‘bromance’ quite like fighting an ancient, desolate evil together, does it?

Harry and Ron

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley from J.K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ series undoubtedly deserve a mention.

Despite the magic and mayhem of Hogwarts, these two chaps stick together through thick and thin (and troll encounters).

0They’re the epitome of childhood friends turned lifelong companions.

It’s a true bromance when your mate is willing to face down You-Know-Who and play life-threatening chess for you.

Kvothe and Simmon

Turning the pages to Patrick Rothfuss’s ‘The Kingkiller Chronicle,’ we find the bond between Kvothe and Simmon.

Kvothe might be the protagonist, the dramatic hero with a tragic past, but it’s Simmon’s steady loyalty that lights up their friendship.

Sim is there through Kvothe’s ups, downs, and frequent tavern brawls.

Sure, Simmon might not be a legendary hero or a magical prodigy, but he’s a bloody good made, and isn’t that what counts?

Kennit and Wintrow

Next, we whisk ourselves to the high seas of Robin Hobb’s ‘Liveship Traders.’

Here, we witness the understated, deeply emotional bond between Captain Kennit and his shipmate Wintrow Vestrit.

Their relationship may start with coercion, but it evolves into an unexpected friendship full of emotional depth.

It’s a rare bromance, crafted masterfully by Hobb, and one that’s hard to forget.

Frodo and Sam

And of course, how can any discussion about bromances in fantasy literature be complete without mentioning Samwise Gamgee and Frodo Baggins from ‘The Lord of the Rings?’

Their enduring, pure, and simple friendship as they journey through Middle Earth is stuff of legends. Sam carrying Frodo up Mount Doom is nothing short of bromance in its most epic form.

“I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you.”

If you’re not a tad teary after that, well, I’m afraid you might just be a stone troll.

Honourable mention: FitzChivalry and Nighteyes

Our exploration of bromances in fantasy literature would be woefully incomplete without delving into the peculiar, profound relationship that transcends the barriers of species: FitzChivalry Farseer and Nighteyes from Robin Hobb’s ‘Farseer Trilogy.’

You see, the ‘bromance’ that Fitz, the royal bastard, shares with Nighteyes, his wolf companion, is quite unlike any other we’ve discussed so far.

It’s not just friendship, it’s a ‘soulship’ if you will, a bond of minds and spirits.

Through the Wit (a form of magic that allows telepathic and empathic bonds with animals), these two are bound together in ways that redefine the traditional concepts of friendship.

Nighteyes isn’t just Fitz’s pet or even his sidekick—he’s his confidant, his moral compass, and quite frankly, the sensible one in the pair (and yes, we’re talking about a wolf here).

When you have a wolf advising you on your love life, you know you’ve got something unique.

Their banter (if you can call telepathic wolf-human conversations that) is full of playful humour and wisdom.

It’s touching how Nighteyes, the wolf, often ends up being the one teaching Fitz about loyalty, courage, and living in the moment.

One might even say he’s the real hero of the story—Fitz certainly wouldn’t be the same without him.

But it’s not all sunshine and howls—their bond carries a profound sense of melancholy too.

As readers, we’re reminded of the fleeting nature of Nighteyes’ life compared to Fitz’s, a fact that lends an additional depth to their relationship.

It’s this blend of love, wisdom, and impending heartbreak that makes their bond feel so real and resonates with readers even after they close the book.

And in the echoing words of Nighteyes, “We are pack.”

It’s friendships like these that teach us the true magic in fantasy isn’t always about casting spells or slaying monsters—sometimes, it’s about having someone who’ll stand by your side, laugh at your bad jokes, and help you pick yourself up when you’ve had one too many pints of dwarven ale.

And aren’t those just the best types of friendships?

If you love a good bromance in fantasy, you might enjoy my Dawn of Assassins series which centres around the friendship of Fedor and Lev.

Read the prequel novel Birth of Assassins for free as part of your starter library.

Understanding the Trope of the Hero’s Journey in Epic Fantasy: A Whirlwind Tour

Explore the legendary Hero’s Journey as we delve into its usage in epic fantasy. From Frodo Baggins to Harry Potter, learn how this timeless narrative structure shapes our favourite tales.

Today we’re going to explore the legendary Hero’s Journey in the world of epic fantasy.

The Hero’s Journey, or as some like to say, the Monomyth, is a storytelling template made famous by Joseph Campbell, an American scholar (here’s not the place to delve into the other story forms that exist).

It has been used by story-tellers for millennia, both consciously and unconsciously, as a way to craft a satisfying narrative.

If you’ve never heard of it, don’t worry—you’ll recognise its structure no doubt from some of your favourite books or movies.

So, grab yourself a cuppa, and let’s delve into the Hero’s Journey.

The Unexpected Invitation

The Hero’s Journey kicks off with our main character living a humdrum life. For instance, Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. One day he’s munching on second breakfast, the next, he’s burdened with the most feared piece of bling in all Middle-Earth.

Declining the Invite

Initially, our hero doesn’t find the idea of a dangerous journey as tempting as a troll’s tea party. Harry Potter, from J.K. Rowling’s famous series, spends quite some time denying his wizardry status. But a Hogwarts invite isn’t a letter you just ignore.

A Magical Helping Hand

Right when our hero’s in a dilemma, a mysterious mentor often pops up. Cue Gandalf, Merlin, and Albus Dumbledore, the all-knowing dudes with beards with a taste for obscure advice and quirky attire. They offer guidance, magical gifts, or at least some mystifying wisdom that makes sense only three books down the line.

Leaping into the Unknown

This is where our hero steps into a brave new world, owning their fate, probably with some dramatic theme music. Daenerys Targaryen from George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, strides into a blaze, coming out with three newly born dragons.And with that, her path is changed forever.

Adventures, Allies, and Adversaries

Next, our hero has to get through a maze of trials, win over unlikely allies, and dodge possible foes. They might even have to rough it in a spooky forest or two. In Patrick Rothfuss’s The Name of the Wind, our hero Kvothe juggles all this and a magical university.

The Epic Showdown and the Spoils

In the tale’s peak, our hero faces their worst fear. They may even “die” metaphorically (or sometimes, literally) only to be reborn. Like Vin, in Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, who *spoiler alert* topples the indestructible Lord Ruler. The prize? Usually a ton of power and a dollop of self-realization.

The Homeward Journey

At last, our hero comes back to their old life, bearing the gains of their journey. They’ve evolved, mastered a legendary weapon, realised they’re royalty in disguise, or perhaps, discovered the joy of home sweet home.

The Hero’s Journey has its fair share of fans for a reason.

It appeals to our innate desire to conquer, to explore, to evolve. Yes, it’s a popular route, but isn’t that part of its appeal? Each turn has its surprises.

And, of course, when author subvert this trope, it can surprise and delight…and sometimes leave us scratching our heads.

So, next time you delve into a fantasy epic, think of our brave hero. They’re doing all the heavy lifting.