Welcome to the Ravenglass Universe Community – A World Beyond the Pages

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Hello from Morecambe!

Today marks a special day in the journey of the Ravenglass Universe – the official launch of our very own community!

This is more than just a subscription; it’s an invitation to step into a world where fantasy meets reality, where your voice becomes an integral part of an ever-evolving narrative.

What is the Ravenglass Universe Community?

The Ravenglass Universe Community is a dedicated space for fans of my novels and stories.

It’s a platform where I can share exclusive content, early drafts, and behind-the-scenes insights into the creation of the universe you’ve come to love.

But it’s not just about what I share; it’s about what you bring to the table – your theories, discussions, and feedback.

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  1. Early Access to Content: Get first dibs on the latest stories, chapters, and works-in-progress from the Ravenglass Universe.
  2. Exclusive Insights: Delve deeper into the world-building process, character development, and the intricacies of plot creation.
  3. Interactive Engagement: Share your thoughts, engage in discussions, and even influence the direction of future stories.
  4. Community Connection: Connect with fellow fans, discuss your favourite characters and plotlines, and be part of a vibrant community that shares your passion.

A Living, Breathing Universe

The Ravenglass Universe is not static; it grows, changes, and evolves.

Your engagement and feedback breathe life into its world, making you more than just a reader – you become a co-creator of this fantastical universe.

Your Adventure Awaits

Every detail, every character, and every story in the Ravenglass Universe is a thread in a larger tapestry.

As members of this community, you’ll have the chance to explore these connections, unearth hidden secrets, and be the first to know what’s on the horizon before anyone else.

How to Join

Becoming a part of the Ravenglass Universe Community is simple.

Visit joncronshawauthor.com or click the Members’ Area button above.

Once you’re in, the realm of magic, mystery, and adventure is yours to explore.

I can’t wait to welcome you into the Ravenglass Universe Community.

Together, we will embark on incredible journeys, face unimaginable challenges, and celebrate the triumphs of our beloved characters.

Let’s turn the page to this new chapter and make the Ravenglass Universe our own.

See you on the other side,


Epic Beginnings: How Anglo-Saxon Lore Inspired Fantasy Genres

Explore the profound impact of Anglo-Saxon mythology on modern fantasy literature in ‘Beowulf and Beyond.’ Discover the ancient roots that have shaped the fantasy genre, from epic sagas to mythical heroes.

In the hallowed halls of modern fantasy literature, where dragons soar and heroes embark on quests of epic proportions, the whispers of Anglo-Saxon mythology and sagas resonate with a subtle, yet unmistakable influence.

For the ardent fantasy reader, these ancient narratives serve as a hidden foundation upon which the colossal edifice of contemporary fantasy is built.

As we traverse the landscapes of this beloved genre, we find ourselves unwittingly following in the footsteps of the likes of Beowulf, treading paths first carved out amidst the dark forests and rugged coastlines of early medieval England.

The Anglo-Saxon era, a period often overshadowed by the romantic chivalry of the High Middle Ages or the gods and monsters of Norse and Greek mythology, holds within its lore a rich vein of inspiration that has been tapped into by modern fantasy writers.

From the shadowy depths of monster-haunted marshes to the raucous, mead-soaked revelry of the mead hall, these ancient tales have shaped much of what we consider quintessential to the fantasy narrative today.

So, let us embark on a journey back to a time when the world was a mistier, more mysterious place, where the lines between the natural and the supernatural were blurred, and where the deeds of heroes and the whispers of old gods were not just stories, but a part of the living tapestry of belief and culture.

In doing so, we’ll uncover the indelible marks left by Anglo-Saxon mythology on the modern fantasy landscape, revealing how these ancient sagas continue to inspire, intrigue, and inform the stories we cherish today.

Beowulf: The Original Fantasy Hero?

Ah, Beowulf. The man, the myth, the legend (quite literally).

Before Frodo Baggins ever set foot out of the Shire, there was Beowulf, grappling with Grendel, a monster so foul that even his mother couldn’t love him.

This epic poem, with its monstrous foes and heroic deeds, set a precedent for fantasy narratives.

Tolkien himself, the grandmaster of fantasy, was an Old English scholar and quite the Beowulf enthusiast.

Coincidence? Probably not.

The Monster’s Lair: Not Just a Cave, But a Trope

Anglo-Saxon sagas loved a good lair, usually filled with a dragon or some other unspeakable horror.

This fascination with dangerous, treasure-filled lairs has seeped its way into the dungeons of every fantasy RPG and the plot of countless fantasy novels.

Next time you find your heroic character in a dragon’s den, thank the Anglo-Saxons for their interior design tips.

Riddles in the Dark: More Than Just a Party Trick

The Exeter Book, an often-overlooked Anglo-Saxon anthology, is chock-full of riddles.

These aren’t your garden-variety party riddles, though; they’re deep, contemplative, and sometimes a bit risqué.

This love for riddles found its way into the heart of modern fantasy, where solving a riddle might save your neck rather than just earn you a polite chuckle.

The Magic of Language: Spells, Runes, and Curses

Forget wands and incantations in Latin; the Anglo-Saxons used runes.

These weren’t just letters; they were believed to hold magical properties.

Modern fantasy has borrowed this concept liberally, with runes becoming a staple in magical systems, from protective wards to weapons of great power.

The Dark Side of the Mead Hall

The mead hall was the heart of Anglo-Saxon social life, a place of storytelling and feasting.

But it wasn’t all fun and games; many a plot and dark deed were hatched over a horn of mead.

The concept of a central meeting place, where heroes gather and plans are made, is a fixture in fantasy literature.

Just don’t trust the guy in the corner with the shifty eyes.

The Hero’s Doom: Fate and Destiny

Anglo-Saxon literature is steeped in a sense of inevitable fate, or ‘wyrd’.

This sombre acceptance of destiny, often with a heroic struggle against it, is a theme that modern fantasy has embraced with open arms.

After all, what’s a fantasy hero without a dark prophecy hanging over their head?

While Anglo-Saxon mythology might not be as flashy as its Greek or Norse cousins, its influence on the fantasy genre is as profound as the words of a wise old wizard (who, by the way, might just be a nod to the wise old sages of Anglo-Saxon lore).

As you next dive into a fantasy novel, spare a thought for the Anglo-Saxons, who knew that the real magic was in the storytelling.

And maybe, just maybe, watch out for any Grendel-like creatures lurking in the shadows. You never know.

Myth to Magic: How Ancient Epics Shape Today’s Fantasy Worlds

Explore the rich legacy of ancient epics in modern fantasy literature. Discover how timeless sagas like the Iliad have shaped today’s magical tales.

In the annals of literature, the lineage of modern fantasy is as rich and enchanting as the tales themselves.

Today’s fantasy literature, with its sprawling worlds and complex characters, owes much to the epic sagas of yore.

These ancient narratives, woven with threads of magic, heroism, and the supernatural, have profoundly influenced the fantasy genre as we know it.

Let’s embark on a journey through time to uncover how these historic epics have shaped the fantasy literature of today.

The Epic Foundation

Epic sagas are the grandfathers of storytelling, dating back thousands of years.

These narratives, often orally transmitted before being written down, were more than mere entertainment; they were cultural cornerstones that encapsulated the beliefs, values, and history of a civilization.

From the Epic of Gilgamesh in Mesopotamia to Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey in ancient Greece, these stories laid the groundwork for narrative structure, character development, and thematic depth.

Mythological Influences

Mythology has always been a fertile ground for fantasy.

The pantheons of gods, heroes, and mythical creatures in these tales have directly inspired modern fantasy’s array of characters and creatures.

For instance, Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, often considered the bedrock of modern fantasy, draws heavily from Norse and Anglo-Saxon mythology.

The Hero’s Journey

Many ancient epics follow the ‘hero’s journey’ – a narrative arc that has become foundational in fantasy literature.

This journey often involves a call to adventure, a road of trials, a climactic confrontation, and a return home, transformed.

This template is vividly present in modern works, from The Hobbit to The Wheel of Time.

World-Building and Epic Scope

The sprawling worlds of modern fantasy, filled with detailed maps and complex histories, mirror the epic backdrops of ancient sagas.

The Mahabharata and Ramayana of India, for example, present vast, intricate worlds that have influenced the comprehensive world-building seen in series like George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire.

Moral and Philosophical Depth

Epic sagas often grapple with profound moral and philosophical questions, a trait that has permeated modern fantasy literature.

The struggle between good and evil, the exploration of destiny and free will, and the quest for wisdom and power are themes as resonant in today’s fantasy novels as they were in ancient epics.

The Enduring Appeal of the Saga

What makes these ancient epics so captivating, and why do they resonate even in our technologically advanced age?

The answer lies in their universal themes – love, loss, heroism, and the struggle against insurmountable odds.

These themes are timeless, appealing to the fundamental human condition, and they continue to inspire modern fantasy writers.

So, the epic sagas of history are not just relics of the past; they are living, breathing inspirations that continue to shape the fantasy literature of today.

Their influence is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and its ability to transcend time, culture, and language.

As we delve into the latest fantasy novel, we are, in many ways, reconnecting with the ancient storytellers of old, continuing a narrative tradition that is as old as humanity itself.