📚 Milestone Achievements & New Beginnings | Author Diary March 29, 2024 – Writing Updates & Reading Ventures 📖✨

Join me in this week’s Author Diary where I celebrate the completion of a major redrafting milestone and embark on new writing adventures, along with sharing my current reading journey.

🎉 Completing “The Wolf and the Wyvern” Redraft:

I’ve hit a significant milestone this week – the redraft of “The Wolf and the Wyvern” is finally complete! It’s a momentous occasion in the journey of the Ravenglass Legends series, and I’m thrilled to have reached this stage.

📘 Starting Book 3:

With “The Wolf and the Wyvern” now in its next phase, I’ve begun drafting the third book in the series. It’s always exciting to start a new chapter in this evolving saga, and I can’t wait to see where this next instalment takes us.

🧟‍♂️ “Punks Versus Zombies”:

In addition to starting book 3, I’ve also drafted a new episode of “Punks Versus Zombies.” It’s been great to continue weaving this post-apocalyptic tale, and I look forward to sharing more of it with you.

📚 Current Reading List:

– “Unruly” by David Mitchell: This book provides a comedic twist on the history of Britain’s first kings and queens. It’s been an entertaining and humorous read, offering a unique perspective on historical events.

– “Cults, Conspiracy Theories, and Secret Societies”: Delving into this book has been an intriguing experience, exploring the mysterious and often misunderstood world of cults, conspiracies, and secret societies.

As I continue on my writing journey and delve into these fascinating reads, I look forward to sharing more insights and updates with you.

Feel free to share your thoughts on drafting new books, writing serials, or any interesting reads you’ve come across recently. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more updates from my author’s life!

📚 Productive Week & Literary Discoveries | Author Diary – March 22, 2024 🐺✨

Welcome to this week’s Author Diary where I share the progress on redrafting “The Wolf and the Wyvern” and my recent reading adventures.

🖋️ Progress on “The Wolf and the Wyvern”:

It’s been an exceptionally productive week. I’ve made significant headway in redrafting several chapters of “The Wolf and the Wyvern” (Ravenglass Legends, Book 2). At this pace, I’m optimistic about completing the second draft by the end of next week. It’s exciting to see the narrative take shape and evolve through this intensive redrafting process.

📚 Completed Reads:

“Last Night a DJ Saved My Life”: I’ve finished this enlightening book about the history of the disc jockey. It’s been a fascinating journey through the evolution of DJing and its cultural impact.

“The Book of Yokai”: Delving into Japanese mythology, monsters, and folklore, this book provided a captivating exploration of a rich and mystical aspect of Japanese culture.

🔜 Plans for Next Week:

My primary focus remains on “The Wolf and the Wyvern.” With Easter weekend approaching, I’m aiming to complete the second draft, which is an exciting milestone in the development of the book.

Stay tuned for more updates on my writing journey and feel free to share your own experiences with redrafting projects or any intriguing books you’ve recently read. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for weekly insights into my author’s life!

Recognising Nobledark Fantasy: Signs You’re in the Shadows with a Glimmer of Hope

Delve into the heart of nobledark fantasy, where victories are bittersweet and triumphs Pyrrhic, reflecting deep themes of morality and sacrifice.

When you delve into the realm of fantasy literature, you’ll find yourself amidst an array of genres, each with its distinct flavour.

But how do you know when you’ve stepped into the shadowy yet hopeful world of nobledark fantasy?

This sub-genre, a curious blend of grim realities and moral resilience, is marked by certain unmistakable tropes and themes.

Here are ten tropes you might find when reading a nobledark fantasy novel:

1. The Rogue Who Dreams of Redemption

One sure sign you’re reading nobledark fantasy is the presence of a rogue character yearning for redemption.

This isn’t your average dashing rogue, content with their morally grey lifestyle.

Instead, this character often grapples with their past misdeeds and seeks a path to make things right.

Whether it’s a smuggler turning over a new leaf or a spy looking to correct past wrongs, their journey towards redemption is fraught with challenges, reflecting the genre’s blend of darkness and hope.

2. The Loyal Thief with a Heart of Gold

The loyal thief, another classic nobledark character, is a paradox in themselves.

They may live outside the law, pilfering and sneaking around, but their loyalty and sense of justice shine through.

This character often steals not out of greed, but necessity, or for a cause they believe in.

Their moral compass, although unconventional, is unmistakably present, guiding them through the genre’s murky ethical landscape.

3. The Assassin with a Conscience

In nobledark fantasy, assassins aren’t cold-blooded killers but complex characters burdened with conscience.

They kill, yes, but each action weighs heavily on their soul.

This inner conflict – the struggle between their lethal profession and their moral inclinations—is a hallmark of the genre.

It’s about the assassin who pauses, who questions, and who seeks meaning in a profession mired in darkness.

4. The World Weary Warrior Fighting for a Lost Cause

A nobledark narrative often features a warrior who’s seen too much and yet continues to fight for what often seems like a lost cause.

This character has witnessed the horrors of their world, yet they hold onto a flicker of hope.

They fight not because they want to, but because they must, driven by a deep-seated belief in something greater than themselves.

5. The Corrupt World That Tests Morality

The setting of a nobledark fantasy is a character in its own right—a world that’s often corrupt and unforgiving, testing the characters’ morals at every turn.

It’s a world where the right choice is often the hardest one to make, where the line between good and evil is blurred and battered.

6. Bittersweet Victories and Pyrrhic Triumphs

Nobledark fantasy doesn’t shy away from the cost of heroism.

Victories, when they come, are often bittersweet, and triumphs can feel Pyrrhic.

Characters may achieve their goals, but not without sacrifice and loss, underscoring the genre’s theme that even in victory, darkness lingers.

7. The Fallen Hero Seeking Redemption

In nobledark fantasy, a common theme is the fallen hero, once revered, who has lost their way due to a tragic flaw or a past mistake.

This character’s journey towards redemption is fraught with internal and external struggles, as they seek to regain their honour and atone for their sins.

Their path is never straightforward, often filled with moral quandaries and the harsh realities of a world that may not believe in second chances.

8. The Tyrant with a Conscience

Unlike the traditional portrayal of tyrants as irredeemably evil, nobledark fantasy often presents them with a layer of complexity.

These rulers may be driven by noble intentions gone awry or trapped by the very power they wield.

Their actions, while harsh or cruel, are often shown to stem from a twisted sense of duty or a burdened conscience, adding depth to their character and creating a grey area in the moral landscape of the story.

9. Sacrifice and the Cost of Power

Nobledark fantasy frequently explores the theme of sacrifice, particularly the high cost of wielding power or pursuing a greater good.

Characters are often faced with difficult choices that require them to sacrifice their personal desires, relationships, or even their ethical codes.

This theme underscores the notion that in a complex world, power and success come at a significant personal and moral cost.

10. The Blurred Lines Between Magic and Morality

Magic in nobledark fantasy is not just a tool or a weapon; it’s often intertwined with the moral fabric of the universe.

The use of magic can have far-reaching consequences, both beneficial and destructive, and characters who wield it must navigate its temptations and responsibilities.

This creates a dynamic where magic is a double-edged sword, capable of both salvaging and shattering the world’s fragile balance.

Recognising a nobledark fantasy novel is about identifying these unique elements—the flawed heroes striving for goodness, the oppressive worlds that challenge their morals, and the victories that come with their own set of losses.

It’s a genre that mirrors the complexities of real life, where the light of hope and the shadow of despair are perpetually intertwined.

So, the next time you find yourself empathising with an assassin’s plight or cheering for a thief with a cause, you might just be lost in the engrossing world of nobledark fantasy.

Nobledark Fantasy: A Glimmer of Hope in the Murky Mists

Delve into the world of nobledark fantasy, where hope endures in grim settings, offering a unique blend of moral complexity and nuanced storytelling.

In the vast, sprawling landscape of fantasy genres, where every niche and crevice is filled with a different shade of dragon, elf, or apocalypse, nobledark fantasy emerges as a curious creature.

It’s like finding a rose in a wasteland—a genre where the light of hope flickers in the darkest of settings.

Nobledark is not your run-of-the-mill grimdark, where hope is as scarce as a unicorn in a city bus.

Nor is it noblebright, where heroes shine with the brilliance of a well-polished suit of armour.

Instead, it dances in the shadows, offering a nuanced narrative that’s as complex as a wizard’s spell.

The Essence of Nobledark

Nobledark fantasy hinges on its characters—flawed, morally grey individuals who cling to their moral compass like a lifeline in a stormy sea.

These characters aren’t your typical knights in shining armour; they’re more like knights in tarnished armour, trying to polish it while fending off a horde of goblins.

They know what’s right, and they strive to achieve it, but the circumstances they inhabit aren’t keen on making things easy.

It’s a world where doing the right thing is as challenging as convincing a dragon to go on a diet.

A Contrast to Grimdark

In grimdark fantasy, the world is a bleak, unforgiving place where hope is as fleeting as a dream upon waking.

The characters often reflect this despair, making choices that range from morally dubious to downright villainous.

In contrast, nobledark retains a sliver of hope.

It’s like having a single candle lit in a room engulfed in shadows—there’s darkness, yes, but there’s also light, however faint it may be.

Morality in the Murk

What sets nobledark apart is its exploration of morality within a grim setting.

The characters, while they may be morally ambiguous, have a sense of right and wrong.

They are like navigators in a storm, trying to steer their ship towards a moral harbour, even as the waves of a cruel world try to dash them against the rocks.

It’s this struggle, this balance between the grimness of their world and the flicker of morality within them, that defines nobledark fantasy.

The World Won’t Let Them Be

In nobledark, the world itself is a character—an antagonist that often seems hell-bent on quashing any attempt at righteousness.

It’s a setting where even the best intentions are tested, and characters are forced to make tough choices.

It’s not just about fighting the dark lord—it’s about fighting the darkness within and outside, often with compromised means.

Nobledark fantasy offers a unique lens through which to view the classic battle of good versus evil.

It presents a world that’s realistic in its complexity, where characters are as multifaceted as the dilemmas they face.

For those who find grimdark too despairing and noblebright too shiny, nobledark is the perfect middle ground.

It’s a genre that acknowledges the darkness of the world but whispers, ever so softly, that there is still hope, still a chance for a bit of shine on that battered armour.

After all, what is life if not a quest to find the light amidst the dark?